Any social media page whether it is on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or any other platform - can be a business model.

It also happens to be based on the same kind of business system that you've seen all over the place. You've seen countless online & offline businesses do it.

To preface this system, let's lay a few ground rules...

  1. Realize the truth that blogs don't make money. Businesses make money.
  2. In order to sell something, you'll need to gain the attention first.
  3. Build relationship with your audience

Product, Service, Your Brand, Idea

A business monetization happens by solving a problem for people or filling a demand. You can do it with your product or service.

And you need to build a Sales Funnel or in our case it’s a click funnel - a usual sales funnel is basically a customer journey. It is a path for your customers from just meeting you — to being your brand advocates.

Here’s a great example of a Sales funnel from one of the greatest salesmen, Elon Musk

This is the funnel for the Cybertruck:

Probably one of the most eye-catching characteristics about Cybertruck is its impactful graffiti font style used for its logo. Just like graffiti on a wall

Everything about this vehicle is unique.

We all know Elon Musk is a great marketer and great at getting attention. Right before Cybertruck drove onto the stage, Musk talked about the lack of design changes over the last century. He said, “For like a hundred years, trucks have been basically the same. We want to try something different.