<aside> ⏰ Time is one of the most valuable assets that we have in our lives, so we want to make the most of it.


Many people say that they want to create a blog or start building their personal brand “to have fun”. But honestly building a brand takes a big amount of work and time, so let’s get a great use from it as well.

There are unlimited ways of monetization, you just need to think out of the box. We’ve collected twelve ways for you to monetize your passion online!

The key element to use all this methods is, of course, your strong personal Brand. So make sure you have that covered before diving deeper into monetization world!

Those ways are:

  1. Start your own media projects. There are many options: interviews, reality shows, podcasts. In the beginning you don’t need a professional video set up & production - start small and then develop it. There are plenty of free platforms that you can use for your projects, think of Youtube or Anchor.

Examples: AstroBen Podcast, Space with Spo, Rikhi Roy

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